Articles on Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine
by Carly Herrero, LAc
Treating TMJ pain with Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine
What is TMJ Pain? TMJ pain can be anywhere from distracting to debilitating. TMJ stands for temporomandibular joints, referring to the anatomical structures that...
Dry Needling is Acupuncture
There is a common misconception that dry needling is fundamentally different from acupuncture, that while dry needling treats pain, acupuncture works on supposedly...
About Acupuncture
Eastern medicine is a term to describe systems of medicine that developed over thousands of years throughout China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia. Eastern medicine...
Acupuncture Tools
Balancing the Body Without Needles Chinese medicine is most well known for acupuncture, using very thin, flexible needles inserted at specific points on the body to...
Chinese Medicine with Essential Oils
Essential Oils The use of concentrated essential oils is a relatively modern practice, but has its roots in the traditional arts of botanical medicine, perfumery, and...
Working as an Acupuncturist in Hospice
Available Now Hospice and Home Health Acupuncture Online Continuing Education Trainings for Acupuncturists 6 NCCAOM PDAs including Safety and Ethics Gain clarity and...
About Gua sha Tools
Gua sha is a versatile technique for relieving pain and resolving restrictions in the myofascia. Gua sha has its roots in ancient medicine and is still used today by...
Scar Therapy with Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine
What is a Scar? A scar is fibrous connective tissue that patches up an area of skin or muscle that has been injured in some way either from a burn, cut, infection, or...
The Lungs in Chinese Medicine
In the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine the Lung is much more than a physical apparatus. It is a system of functionality within the body that includes...
Styles of Cupping
Cupping as Medicine Cupping is a healing modality with ancient roots that is still widely practiced today. Traditionally cupping was used to treat disease by pulling...
The Yin-Yang Structure of the Body
The principle of yin-yang is the philosophical basis of all aspects of traditional Chinese Medicine including structural, organic, functional, and mental-emotional....
An Understanding of Qi
Qi is foundational in the theory and practice of Chinese medicine. Qi as a concept is widely accepted in East-Asian cultures, but in the West is often negated or...
Taoist Cosmology
"Tao is empty- Its use is never exhaustedBottomless- the origin of all things…Deeply subsistent-I don’t know whose child it is.It is older than the Ancestor."-Tao Te...
About Scraping Therapies
Gua Sha, Graston, IASTM. There is sometimes confusion about the different types of scraping therapies and what kind of practitioner can use them. These are all...
The Heart in Chinese Medicine
The Emperor "The Heart is the emperor, the supreme controller. The Heart is the fire at the center of our being, from which the spirit radiates." -Neijing Suwen (Yellow...
Gua Sha
Gua sha is a traditional healing technique used for thousands of years, and is still a part of formal Chinese Medicine training today. Gua sha alleviates pain,...
About Cupping
Cupping is an ancient practice used almost universally in traditional healing arts. It is still practiced today in many forms of holistic medicine. Cupping uses...
The Organs in Chinese Medicine
In traditional Chinese medicine the organs are considered to be not only the solid structures we recognize in modern Western medicine, but also a sphere of influence...
Acupuncture Needles
Acupuncture needles are hair-thin, flexible, and designed to glide into points that are empty of nerve, bone, organs, and vessels, but full of potential vitality and...
On Breathing
Relaxed abdominal breathing is fundamental for health and wellness Along with bringing the body into a parasympathetic "rest and digest" mode, it is the body's most...
Moxibustion Heat Therapy
The Chinese character for acupuncture, zhenjiu, means "acupuncture-moxibustion". Moxibustion provides penetrating warmth, pain relief, and increased circulation. Both...
Yin, Yang, and Recovery
NADA (National Acupuncture Detox Association) helped pioneer a simple ear acupuncture protocol which can be used with excellent results in a group setting to help with...